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Erectile Dysfunction
Introduction to Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Lesson 1 -physical or mental? (20:03)
Erectile Dysfunction
ED Lesson 2 - What is ED and what type do I have? (9:24)
ED Lesson 3 - What is good sex? (3:50)
ED Lesson 4 - What is"Normal"? (19:58)
ED Lesson 5 - Can I control it? (13:15)
ED Lesson 6 - Is it too much or not enough for me? (7:27)
ED Lesson 7 - What about a quick fix? (16:32)
ED Lesson 8 - Did my past or thinking create this problem? (14:02)
ED Lesson 9 - How do I make us both happy? (7:32)
ED Lesson 10 - How can I best "succeed" at sex? (7:21)
ED Lesson 11 - Am I any good at sex?
ED Lesson 3 - What is good sex?
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